In their 2019 publication ‘Seeing is Not Believing: Camouflage Attacks on Image Scaling Algorithms’, Xiao et al. demonstrated a fascinating and frightening exploit on a few commonly used and popular scaling algorithms. Through what Quiring et al. referred to as adversarial preprocessing, they created an attack image that closely resembles one image (decoy) but portrays a completely different image (payload) when scaled down. In their example (below), an image of sheep could scale down and suddenly show a wolf.

These attack images can be used in a number of scenarios, particularly in data poisoning of deep learning datasets and covert dissemination of information. Deep learning models require large datasets for training. A series of carefully crafted and planted attack images placed into public datasets can poison these models, for example, reducing the accuracy of object classification. Essentially all models are trained with images scaled down to a fixed size (e.g. 229 × 229) to reduce the computational load, so these attack images are highly likely to work if their dimensions are correctly configured. As these attack images hide their malicious payload in plain sight, they also evade detection. Xiao et al. described how an attack image could be crafted for a specific device (e.g. an iPhone XS) so that the iPhone XS browser renders the malicious image instead of the decoy image. This technique could be used to propagate payload, such as illegal advertisements, discreetly.
The natural stealthiness of this attack is a dangerous factor, but on top of that, it is also relatively easy to replicate. Xiao et al. published their own source code in a GitHub repository, with which anyone can run and create their own attack images. Additionally, the maths behind the method is also well described in the paper, allowing my group to replicate the attack for coursework assigned to us for UCL’s Computer Security II module, without referencing the paper authors’ source code. Our implementation of the attack is available at our GitHub repository. This coursework required us to select an attack detailed in a conference paper and replicate it. While working on the coursework, we discovered a relatively simple way to stop these attack images from working and even allow the original content to be viewed. This is shown in the series of images below.
Continue reading Exploring an Attack on Image Scaling Algorithms